1. How to create poll?

To create a poll, you need to add a question or a picture, you can also use them both. Polls differ in type: single or double, you can add one ore two images in your polls. You can also turn on anonymous mode so no one will know who is the author.

2. Answers in polls

If you want, you can create one or two answers in your poll. Or you can leave blank answer fields so your recipients will receive poll with one default answer “👍”

3. How to send polls

You can send poll to your contacts who have installed PinPoll app.

4. How recipients see statistic

Recipients see only aggregated statistics with a percentage of responses.

5. Sharing polls via link

If you want to share poll via link you can do it from “my polls” page or while creating poll. People who have PinPoll app will have it in “received” page but author name will be hidden for security purposes. People who don’t install PinPoll app will be delivered to the App Store and be asked to install PinPoll.

6. Answer on poll added via link

All answers from link will be anonymous for security purposes. You can see person’s name only if you send poll directly.

7. Home Screen Widgets

You can answer on incoming polls from your Home Screen just add our special widget. You can also check statistic of your own polls from Home Screen

8. Lock Screen Widget

Have a quick view on new incoming polls on your Lock Screen. Widgets will show you amount of unanswered polls or random incoming question.